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Experience a vibrant Christian Community, where all are welcome to embrace love for God, love for self, and love for neighbor.

Sundays at 7:45am, 9:00am, & 10:45am


Worship with Us


7:45am Spoken Eucharist in the Rectory Chapel (532 W Fullerton)

9:00am Eucharist with Music Ensemble at Salvatore's (525 W Arlington)*

10:00am Sunday School (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) in the Rectory 

10:45am Eucharist with Music Ensemble at Salvatore's (525 W Arlington)*

*service bulletins can be found here.


12:00pm Noonday Prayer in the Rectory Chapel, every Tuesday.

Monthly 6:30pm Evening Eucharist (spoken) in the Rectory Chapel, second Tuesday.


10:00am Morning Prayer in the Rectory, every Wednesday.

Recent Online Worship

News & Events

2025 Lenten Series

On Monday evenings in March at 7:00pm, we're offering our annual Lenten Series. This year we explore spiritual practices and disciplines such as Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, Ignatian Examen Prayer, and Bibliodrama with guest presenters. All are invited and each session includes a Zoom option.

Use this link to join by Zoom.

Contact the Director of Ministry for more information.


Weekly Lenten Rosary | Tuesdays, 12pm

Each Tuesday during Lent we will gather in the chapel in the rectory to pray the rosary at noon. All are welcome, even if you have never prayed the rosary before. We have rosaries you can use and we will walk you through it. This is a wonderful spiritual practice to experience during Lent, so join us. 


Compline (Night Prayer) | Mondays, 8:30pm


Please join COS for Compline (night prayer) each Monday at 8:30pm. This simple prayer service lasts less than 30 minutes and is the perfect way to end your day. You can join this group each night on Zoom*.

*Please use this Zoom link to join Monday Compline.


Morning Glories Bible Study | Tuesdays, 7:30am

This weekly bible study group meets each Tuesday morning at 7:30am in the Rectory. If you are an early-riser who wants to start off the day with a fresh scriptural perspective and a little gentle fellowship then this will be perfect for you!


Morning Prayer & Bible Study | Wednesdays, 10am

Join us each Tuesday morning at 10am in the Rectory and on Zoom* as we gather for Morning Prayer. These weekly discussions include prayer, reflection, and discussion around the upcoming Sunday scripture readings. 

All are welcome. 

*Please use this Zoom link to join Wednesday Morning Prayer.

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